using System.Collections.Generic; using AllocsFixes.PersistentData; using JetBrains.Annotations; namespace AllocsFixes.CustomCommands { [UsedImplicitly] public class ShowInventory : ConsoleCmdAbstract { protected override string getDescription () { return "list inventory of a given player"; } protected override string getHelp () { return "Usage:\n" + " showinventory [tag]\n" + "Show the inventory of the player given by his UserID, player name or\n" + "entity id (as given by e.g. \"lpi\").\n" + "Optionally specify a tag that is included in each line of the output. In\n" + "this case output is designed to be easily parseable by tools.\n" + "Note: This only shows the player's inventory after it was first sent to\n" + "the server which happens at least every 30 seconds."; } protected override string[] getCommands () { return new[] {"showinventory", "si"}; } public override void Execute (List _params, CommandSenderInfo _senderInfo) { if (_params.Count < 1) { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output ("Usage: showinventory [tag]"); return; } Player p = PersistentContainer.Instance.Players.GetByString (_params [0], true); if (p == null) { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output ( "Playername or entity/steamid id not found or no inventory saved (first saved after a player has been online for 30s)."); return; } string tag = null; if (_params.Count > 1 && _params [1].Length > 0) { tag = _params [1]; } PersistentData.Inventory inv = p.Inventory; if (tag == null) { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output ($"Belt of player {p.Name}:"); } PrintInv (inv.belt, p.EntityID, "belt", tag); if (tag == null) { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output (string.Empty); } if (tag == null) { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output ($"Bagpack of player {p.Name}:"); } PrintInv (inv.bag, p.EntityID, "backpack", tag); if (tag == null) { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output (string.Empty); } if (tag == null) { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output ($"Equipment of player {p.Name}:"); } PrintEquipment (, p.EntityID, "equipment", tag); if (tag != null) { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output ($"tracker_item id={p.EntityID}, tag={tag}, SHOWINVENTORY DONE"); } } private static void PrintInv (IReadOnlyList _inv, int _entityId, string _location, string _tag) { for (int i = 0; i < _inv.Count; i++) { if (_inv[i] == null) { continue; } if (_tag == null) { // no Tag defined -> readable output if (_inv [i].quality < 0) { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output (string.Format (" Slot {0}: {1:000} * {2}", i, _inv [i].count, _inv [i].itemName)); } else { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output (string.Format (" Slot {0}: {1:000} * {2} - quality: {3}", i, _inv [i].count, _inv [i].itemName, _inv [i].quality)); } DoParts (_inv [i].parts, 1, null); } else { // Tag defined -> parseable output string partsMsg = DoParts (_inv [i].parts, 1, ""); string msg = "tracker_item id=" + _entityId + ", tag=" + _tag + ", location=" + _location + ", slot=" + i + ", item=" + _inv [i].itemName + ", qnty=" + _inv [i].count + ", quality=" + _inv [i].quality + ", parts=(" + partsMsg + ")"; SdtdConsole.Instance.Output (msg); } } } private static void PrintEquipment (IReadOnlyList _equipment, int _entityId, string _location, string _tag) { AddEquipment ("head", _equipment, EquipmentSlots.Headgear, _entityId, _location, _tag); AddEquipment ("eyes", _equipment, EquipmentSlots.Eyewear, _entityId, _location, _tag); AddEquipment ("face", _equipment, EquipmentSlots.Face, _entityId, _location, _tag); AddEquipment ("armor", _equipment, EquipmentSlots.ChestArmor, _entityId, _location, _tag); AddEquipment ("jacket", _equipment, EquipmentSlots.Jacket, _entityId, _location, _tag); AddEquipment ("shirt", _equipment, EquipmentSlots.Shirt, _entityId, _location, _tag); AddEquipment ("legarmor", _equipment, EquipmentSlots.LegArmor, _entityId, _location, _tag); AddEquipment ("pants", _equipment, EquipmentSlots.Legs, _entityId, _location, _tag); AddEquipment ("boots", _equipment, EquipmentSlots.Feet, _entityId, _location, _tag); AddEquipment ("gloves", _equipment, EquipmentSlots.Hands, _entityId, _location, _tag); } private static void AddEquipment (string _slotname, IReadOnlyList _items, EquipmentSlots _slot, int _entityId, string _location, string _tag) { int[] slotindices = XUiM_PlayerEquipment.GetSlotIndicesByEquipmentSlot (_slot); for (int i = 0; i < slotindices.Length; i++) { if (_items == null || _items[slotindices[i]] == null) { continue; } InvItem item = _items [slotindices [i]]; if (_tag == null) { // no Tag defined -> readable output if (item.quality < 0) { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output (string.Format (" Slot {0:8}: {1:000}", _slotname, item.itemName)); } else { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output (string.Format (" Slot {0:8}: {1:000} - quality: {2}", _slotname, item.itemName, item.quality)); } DoParts (_items [slotindices [i]].parts, 1, null); } else { // Tag defined -> parseable output string partsMsg = DoParts (_items [slotindices [i]].parts, 1, ""); string msg = $"tracker_item id={_entityId}, tag={_tag}, location={_location}, slot={_slotname}, item={item.itemName}, qnty=1, quality={item.quality}, parts=({partsMsg})"; SdtdConsole.Instance.Output (msg); } return; } } private static string DoParts (IReadOnlyList _parts, int _indent, string _currentMessage) { if (_parts == null || _parts.Count <= 0) { return _currentMessage; } string indenter = new string (' ', _indent * 4); for (int i = 0; i < _parts.Count; i++) { if (_parts[i] == null) { continue; } if (_currentMessage == null) { // no currentMessage given -> readable output if (_parts [i].quality < 0) { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output (string.Format ("{0} - {1}", indenter, _parts [i].itemName)); } else { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output (string.Format ("{0} - {1} - quality: {2}", indenter, _parts [i].itemName, _parts [i].quality)); } DoParts (_parts [i].parts, _indent + 1, null); } else { // currentMessage given -> parseable output if (_currentMessage.Length > 0) { _currentMessage += ","; } _currentMessage += $"{_parts[i].itemName}@{_parts[i].quality}"; _currentMessage = DoParts (_parts [i].parts, _indent + 1, _currentMessage); } } return _currentMessage; } } }